četrtek, 5. julij 2012

Končno počitnice


Po toliko učenja so končno nastopile tudi zame počitnice in s tem tudi več časa za ustvarjanje. V zadnjih nekaj dnevih sem naredila nekaj čestitk za rojstne dneve, eno za poroko in eno za rojstvo.
Če bo vse prav jih bom postopoma tudi objavila tule.
Prva rojstnodnevna čestitka je tako bila namenjena punci od atovega bratranca, potovala pa je na Nizozemsko.
Uporabila sem štampiljko od LOTV Pretty Bouquet. Te štampiljke so mi ene najlepših (poleg Penny Black), a sem šele pred kratkim kupila mojih prvih 6. Ta čestitka je tako moja prva z LOTV motivom.

/After so much studying, the holidays finally started and with them I gained much more time for crafting. In last few days I made some birthday cards, one for wedding and one for birth. Hopefully I will manage to post them all here.
First birthday one was made for my father's cousin's girlfriend and travelled all the way to the Nederlands.
I used a stamp from LOTV Pretty Bouquet. LOTV stamps are one of my favourites along with Penny Black but I just recently bought my first six. So this card is my first one with LOTV image.


Lp, Ana

8 komentarjev:

  1. What a very pretty card Ana, lots of pretty summery colours as well.

    Thanks so much for sharing your 'Crafty Passion' with us at Stampalot Challenge this month.

    B x

  2. Lepo si jo pobarvala in sestavila skupaj...všeč so mi te pisane, mavrične barve. :))

  3. Very pretty card, love the inked embossing. Thanks for joining us at Stampalot this month.

  4. A beautiful creation, love the layout and colours you have used. Thank you for sharing it with us at Lili’s Little Fairies. Hugs Christine x

  5. Luštna je, res! LOTV motivčki so tudi meni zelo ljubi.
    Hvala, da si se nam pridružila v mavričnem izzivu :).

  6. Beautiful card , Lovely colours

    Thanks for joining us for our Crafty passion challenge over at
    Sir Stampalot this month and good luck!


  7. :) Všeč mi je pisanost čestitke
